Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Brainstorm (Group)

Proposal (Group)


     .      Audience: 
·         The target audience is from teenagers to young adults to let young people understand that domestic violence is not acceptable.

2.       Purpose:
·         The purpose of campaign film is to inform and spread awareness of domestic violence around UK.

3.       Platforms:
·         YouTube
·         Facebook

4.       Brief/Summary:
·         A teenager facing domestic violence in school, showing what physical and mental damage the teenager can experience after events.

5.       Length:
·         The length of campaign will be around 2 minutes to put just important information.

6.       Images:
·         Slogan
·         Logo

7.       Logistics:
·         Leyton sixth form college, props, costumes
The costumes will be casual clothes, most likely what teenagers wear.
The props will be fake blood

8.       Resources:

·         Camera, lighting 

Video feedback & Commentary Group Work

SWOT Research and Campaign Analysis

Friday, 11 November 2016

What can go wrong whilst shooting our domestic violence campaign advert

What can go wrong whilst shooting our domestic violence campaign advert?
When filming the domestic violence campaign advert during the abusing scenes it is going to be shot I public place and because there is a lot of people walking around they could take it in the wrong way and inform the police. We could let people know that we are filing by putting up a sign that we are shooting an abusive campaign advert or as for permission or we can go to a less public place and film our abuse shots there.
Also for copyright reasons we may not know we are doing it and accidently film a building without us even knowing we could then go and ask the people that won the building instead of shooting the scene again because filming around someone’s business could get us into trouble if we do not ask for permission. Also filming people without peoples consent could also get us in to trouble because people may not want to be caught on camera also if people are walking past all the time it could ruin our shot making us have to start over again which can be time consuming. A way to resolve this problem is to then ask the people if they can step out of the shot or inform them that it is only for our media project. Whilst shooting our domestic violence campaign advert when editing we could realise that there ae some people in the shots at the wrong time this will then lead to us having to go back and shoot the scene again one way we could avoid this problem is by looking over our footage before leaving the place where the shoot was filmed or going to a less public place where there are less people so it is easier and quicker for us to inform them of what we are doing. Because we are in a public place there will be a lot of noise going on around us and might disturb us whilst shooting and the noise may not go with the shoot we are filing to resolve this problem we could chose a more quite peaceful are where there is less noise. Whilst filing people may get offended with what shoots we are filming such as the abusive shots again could us a less public place are inform the people that it is only to prove a point for our media project.
What we will actually be doing: If any of these incidents occur

We will inform people that we are filming for our media project. This will allow us to have more access to filming the footage in ease. Also if any of these don’t work we will just have to change the exact location and our domestic violence campaign advert, somewhere else where there is no people. If that still doesn’t work we will then have to film our campaign inside and outside of our college. 

Wednesday, 9 November 2016


BCAP: Codes of conduct

Advertisements must not condone or encourage violence, crime, disorder or anti-social behaviour:
In the campaign advert the people in the scene will not be trying to tell the viewers that being in a domestic violence relationship is not a good thing and we will be warning people before and after the campaign advert. So people can know what message our advert is trying to say. The location will be suitable for each scenes. Before anyone wants to take part in the campaign we will notify what our campaign will be about, we will also make sure they take it seriously as domestic violence is a strong topic to do.
Advertisements must contain nothing that could cause physical, mental, moral or social harm to persons under the age of 18:
Our advert will be making sure that physical, mental, morale, social harm will not happen to people who are watching the advert, because our campaign is about telling people to speak out in being in a domestic violence relationship and to get help. The actors in the advert will be making it clear to everyone that domestic violence is a serious subject. Everyone included will be made sure not to make fun out of it. This then will result in more people coming forward, and less people getting hurt.

Advertisements must not include material that is likely to condone or encourage behaviour that prejudices health or safety:
Our advert will be trying to discourage domestic violence and we will make sure people have a clear understanding that we are only trying to stop domestic violence, and that we are not encouraging it. The fact that some people think it’s normal to be involved in a domestic violence will also be discouraged and letting people know that getting hurt physical, emotionally, is not normal and to put your health and safety first before anyone else. We are also trying to let people know that is never too late to get out of domestic violence and to seek for help.  

Advertisements must not condone or encourage harmful discriminatory behaviour or treatment. Advertisements must not prejudice respect for human dignity:
Everyone in our advert will be behaved and will not encourage any harmful behaviour. We will make sure of this as we want to get our message across to the target audience. Being treated badly is not right, people should always keep themselves at distance if involved in a domestic violence, as our advert is also for people who are not in domestic violence as an viewer they can know for the future in case of what to do.

References to anyone who is dead must be handled with particular care to avoid causing offence or distress.
In our campaign we will show at the end how domestic violence is very serious in our community and how domestic violence is used more frequently in our generation. At the end of the campaign we will give facts and a amount of how many people are affected. We will make sure we take no offence to anyone.